
Testing Services

Allergy Testing

Allergy testing designed to detect acute or chronic allergy-like symptoms. Helps with the early diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of allergies.

Health Risk Assessment Technology

The HRA is a lead in test that is done up front then tells AAHS what other tests are then needed. It sets the direction for the next steps in the preventive care cycle. The HRA is proprietary 3 to 5 minute assessment conducted on a digital pad.

Toxicology Services

AAHS will work with medical toxicology laboratories that operate an analytical facility for clinical toxicology, environmental medicine, drug of abuse management, therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), and forensic toxicology.


Lab Services

Using clinical specimens AAHS will obtain information from lab services that will aid in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases.

Manual Muscle Testing

Muscle testing is used to diagnose structural, muscular, chemical, and mental ailments. It is also effective in the diagnosis of any underlying medical condition. Using its muscle testing techniques, AAHS will be able to access large quantities of data and information about a person’s body.

Sleep Study

These tests monitor while you sleep to help diagnose disorders like sleep apnea, periodic limb movement disorder, narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome, insomnia, and nighttime behaviors like sleepwalking and REM sleep behavior disorder. Sleep studies can be performed in a sleep lab or equipment can be sent home with you and tested in your own bed.

Tesla MRI System

AAHS will use the Tesla MRI System to provide a quick, comfortalb,e and convenient testing experience on hands, wrists, elbows, feet, ankles, or knees.

ANS Diagnostic Testing

ANS diagnostic testing allows patients information to be put directly in the hands of doctors. Once plugged into the machines, data is produced and exposes any issues. Tests include: Heart Rate Variability Assessment, Sudomotor Function, Endothelial Dysfunction, and Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI).

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Neural Scans

Early assessment that allows patient information to be sent to the right doctor. The quicker a patient can be diagnosed, the quicker a patient can be helped. Eelectroencephalogram (EEG) testing will play a big role in brain and head related issues.

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Genetic Testing

Testing that will identify what medications a patient should not take due to their genetics. Tests include: Pharmacogenomics (PGX), Cancer Genomics Testing (CGX), Dementia, and Alzheimers.

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Our Location

4817 Medical Center Drive
Suite 3B
McKinney, TX 75069

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